From the Guthrie Family

Letter from the Family

To all the Guthrie Clan… it’s time to unite!

We are the family of the Clan Chief and are proud to unite with Clan Guthrie USA to save our heritage; not only save it but to be truly successful, we need your help!

The Guthrie Kirk is a historical church that is currently owned by the Church of Scotland and as of 31st March, 2024 will be listed on the open market for sale. The Guthrie Clan Chief would like to purchase the church and ensure we retain its priceless heritage. By joining forces with all our Guthrie Cousins in Clan Guthrie USA, we have a unique opportunity to maintain and operate this piece of history for all Guthries to enjoy. Therefore, we aim to buy the Kirk before it reaches the open market and would like to establish a joint Foundation to fund the establishment and ongoing operations as a Guthrie Historical Center.

The Kirk was built in 1826 and is one of the last historical structures available, which is why it’s so important to unite to make this a reality - not just for us but for future generations of all Guthries.

While the Kirk structure was built in 1826, the Church itself has been a place of worship in the Village of Guthrie for over 1,200 years, surviving devastating wars, radical policy (Reformation), extreme weather and clan feuds. There have been many incarnations of this special place of worship and the current parish church is an attractive building with a belfry in the simple Scots tradition and some fine stained glass by William Blair and John Blythe.

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